Yelpix Weekly Digest 26.06

Hello there, we clearly understand that everyone is dreaming of the vacation and someone is already gone to it (secretly, we too). So, why not sit on the hot send and read our digest? Here we go!

Inspired Design Decisions With Giovanni Pintori: Publicity Becomes An Art Form by smashing magazine

In the tenth issue of Inspired Design Decisions, Andy Clarke will explain how Giovanni Pintori — the Italian graphic designer best known for his work with Olivetti — can inspire design for the web with his distinctive use of color and shape. Andy will teach you how to use color to attract attention and then to lead someone’s eye around a design. He’ll discuss how a minimal color palette can act as a guide, helping people through design, and how lines and shapes add structure and style.

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Keeping your website secure is something every website owner worries about. And for good reason: if your site is hacked or goes down, you could lose business.

WordPress used to have a reputation for being insecure. But these days, it’s no longer true. Some of the world’s largest brands, including major news corporations and government departments, use WordPress for their websites. They wouldn’t use it if it’s not secure.

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TA successful rebrand goes far beyond flashy graphics and high-res photos. It tells a story. It positions a product to fulfill the wants and needs of the consumer. Following the rebrand journey of Lettuce Grow, take a look at how visual elements can enforce the mission of your brand, engage your consumer, and cultivate incredible results.

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Do you want to provide a great experience for visitors on your site?

If so, user experience (UX) testing can help you analyze your site to ensure you’re providing a great experience for your audience.

But what is user experience testing?

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Best WordPress Themes for Affiliate Marketing in 2020 by noupe

Creating an affiliate site is one of the best ways to make a sizable income online. You can start your affiliate business without a shop, an inventory, or any investment in general because your profits come from selling other people’s products regardless of whether they are physical, digital, retail, or wholesale.

Affiliate marketing might be a quick way to generate revenue but the idea isn’t everything. Since you’re promoting products through your website, it should be engaging, responsive, user-friendly, and even entertaining.

In this article, we will discuss the best custom made WordPress Affiliate Marketing themes that you can use to create a website and start your business within no time.

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