

How to make your Instagram doing E-commerce

Instagram purchases are available for quite a long time but not everyone knows how to use it. Let’s open this wonderful feature on Instagram together!


Shopping on Instagram is a new Instagram tool that allows brands and stores to tag their products in their posts. Tagging a product is as easy as tagging other people. This new feature did not surprise us since it was already available in the USA. After successful results registered in this country, Instagram has expanded it elsewhere.

What’s new on Instagram

Shopping on Instagram allows companies to choose photos that they would like to advertise, and mark up to five products per image or twenty products per carousel.

This type of publication gives access to product details and price. A link is also displayed where users navigate to the website where they can buy the product.

Requirements to access the Instagram store

Trademarks or stores that want to use this feature must meet the following requirements:

  • Have a business profile
  •  Have a Facebook fan page
  •  Created at least nine industry publications
  •  To have the latest Instagram app
  •  Sell ​​physical products from the official website
  •  Your profile must be connected to the Facebook directory
How to install Instagram purchases

If you meet all the requirements listed above, simply follow these steps to activate this feature in your profile:

  • Go to your Instagram account settings
  • Click buy
  • Select product catalog
    And it is done!

Once you turn it on, you need to upload images and tag your products, which is similar to tag a person on a standard post, as we mentioned earlier.

To do this, click on the products you want to mark, enter the names and tap done.

Your products are now tagged!


For users: Instagram users can now buy products on this social network.

For businesses: this will help them increase sales after setting up this feature and attract more people to their site without any barriers.

User Benefits:

This new feature is very simple for users, it requires just one click on the product of interest to them.
Images containing links to products will contain a basket icon located in the upper right corner of the image in the account profile.

As soon as you click on the image, the message “click to view the product” will appear in a small window.
When you click on the product, a pop-up window appears with a photo of the product, the ability to buy it along with other details.

If you tap the “Shop Now” button, Instagram will take you directly to the brand’s website.

The main advantage: there is no need to follow the Instagram link in bio to access the site where you want to buy the product. It saves you time.

The benefits of buying Instagram for business

It is clear that you will be interested in using this new feature if you are working, since it means access to a new sales channel. Now it will be much easier to measure sales on Instagram. In addition, you will receive the following:
More traffic from your Instagram account to your site: you will increase traffic to your site with purchases on Instagram. Customers will be redirected to your site as soon as they click “buy now”.
More orders: Instagram users love it when things go fast. Now you can increase your sales and know exactly which ones come from Instagram.
Another source of positioning: perhaps your brand does not have a favorable SEO positioning in Google. Now you can focus on Instagram to improve overall social networking positioning.

Shopping on Instagram will change the way it is sold and, perhaps, the way cards are issued. A new showcase has opened for the whole world.